Hi, I’m Amanda!

Where oh where do I even begin? I am mother of two amazing chaotic boys. They fill my heart with so much love and joy. I am an Army Veteran who has traveled the world. I was born and raised in the Motherland… aka Wisconsin (yes I am a cheese-head) but currently reside in Washington State. I have spent many years working in the healthcare field before taking the leap of faith and opening my own business. I am a Reiki Master, intuitive reader, sound healer and spiritual mentor/coach.

The spiritual journey is one I have been on for a few years and it has been truly amazing.

For years, things would happen and I was unable to understand why. It wasn’t until I went through my dark night of the soul and spiritual awakening that it all made sense. Since birth, I have had my spiritual abilities but they were blocked for a few years. With going through my own healing journey, I have learned about my abilities and continue to grow them. There were many years where I didn’t feel I was on the correct path but was unsure of how to fix it. I finally have found my true souls purpose and I am loving everyday of it.

It brings me so much joy being able to help others along their journey’s as well. Life is hard enough as it is, so why do it alone?

My Approach

Root Healing Approach

My healing approach is root based. I use surface level triggers to get to the deepest part of the wounds. Often times healing the root removes the vast majority of surface level stressors and triggers. I am a big believer in providing clients with the power and autonomy within themselves and their healing. As a healer, it is my role to provide the necessary information and or energy to assist the client in healing themselves.

I approach all of my clients with compassion, empathy, and understanding. With that being said, I do not sugar coat. The messages we need to hear are not always what we want to hear. There are times when the journey is tough, but I am here to help you along the way.

You are stronger than you think you are.

There are times in life when we get knocked down. We may not even know how strong we are until strength is all we have left. Lets bring out the strength within you!